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---===*===--- is based upon the Morphologies framework, an ongoing digital publishing project / work-in-progress (2005-) by Jan Mast
All content © MOON under a cc-nc-nd
Original concept & design © Jan Mast under a cc-nc-nd.
With the support of LICHTMACHINE agency & artgrid
( gui site 1.0 + gui cms 2.9a + framework 5.1b + b 01092015 + svn 2195 )
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Welcome to, MOON is a specialized lighting agency that searches — with you, with the architects, designers, … — for the perfect lightshaping solutions. Led by the vast know-how and delicate fingerspitzengefühl of Karolien van Hollebeke, MOON is your ultimate partner to highlight any project; modern to vintage, residential to corporate, inside and outside. We shape shadows to light your world. Kind regards, Karolien van Hollebeke : shaping shadows to light your world. MOON is your ultimate partner to highlight any project; modern to vintage, residential to corporate, inside and outside. light, shadow, licht, schaduw, verlichting, enlightment, lighting, lights, sun, moon, architecture, mood, event, experimental, karolien van hollebeke, eric van tilburg, sunset, modern, vintage, maan, Karolien, Hollebeke